Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Is a Thiol Group

Definition: A thiol group is a fuctional group containing a sulfur atom bonded to a hydrogen atom. General formula: -SH Also Known As: sulfanyl group, mercapto group Examples: The amino acid cysteine contains a thiol group.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Human Resource Management - 4255 Words

Human Resource Management is an essential part for any organization. Moreover, development of this department is the first step, the ground on which the future of the company depends. It is essential for every single business unit and especially for such international company as Coca Cola. It is people, not technology who create the company. Human Resource Management at Coca Cola Company has many advantages as well as disadvantage. It is the global company and it is impossible to create certain policies or procedures applicable in all divisions of the company, cultural and political differences need to be taken into account. Human Resource Management- is used to describe the function that is concerned with people-the employees. Human†¦show more content†¦The human resource manager, as well as any manager, is expected to play a crucial role in improving the skills of employees and the firm’s profitability. In essence, HRM is now viewed as a â€Å"profit center† and not simply a â€Å"cost center†. The strategic importance of HRM means that a number of key concepts must be applied. †¢ Analyzing and solving problems from a profit-oriented, not just a service-oriented, point of view. †¢ Assessing and interpreting costs or benefits of such HRM issues as productivity, salaries and benefits, recruitment, training, absenteeism, overseas relocation, layoffs, meetings and attitude surveys. †¢ Using planning models that include realistic, challenging, specific, and meaningful goals. †¢ Preparing repots on HRM solutions to problems encountered by the firm. †¢ Training the human resources staff and emphasizing the strategic importance of HRM and the importance of contributing to the firm’s profits. The increased strategic importance of HRM means that human resource specialists must show that they contribute to the goals and mission of the firm. The actins, language, and performance of the HRM function must be measured, precisely communicated and evaluated. Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate toShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management1140 Words   |  5 Pagesa business efficiently? Human Resource Management (HRM). Human Resources is the solid foundation that practically oversees the entire organization, whether its managing employees to surveilling the progress of every single department. There are six principle functions that Human Resource take into account: employee relations, recruitment, compliance, compensation and benefits, training and development, and safety (policies/regulations). Over time Human Resource Management has taken a new role intoRead MoreHuman Resources Management And Human Resource Management2123 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction The study of human resource management becomes a major topic of the science of management at the beginning of 20th century and keeps attracting researchers’ attention (Merkle, 1980). The new models of human resource management derive from the advance of management theories and the accumulation of practices and experiences. With the development of global economy, the economic situation of each country deeply affects the world and becomes closely connected. In addition, the needs of customersRead MoreHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management1138 Words   |  5 PagesHuman Resources Management Hilti continues to grasp on success and expand globally, but their path weren’t always well defined. The company began in 1941 and historically they’ve kept to traditional strategies when it came to recognizing human resource requirements. In the early 2000’s, the company established a new set initiatives, aimed at doubling revenue and operating profits. Hilti also recognized that this type of growth would require invigorating ideas to employ human resourcing requirementsRead MoreHuman Resource Management And Human Resources Management941 Words   |  4 PagesHuman Resources Management is one of the most important aspects of any organization, whether it be non-profit, not for profit, or profit. Human Resources Management is what makes it possible for a manager to be able to focus on their work and tasks at hand and not have to deal with lots of unneeded interpersonal activities. They are in charge of correctly evaluating the candidates that the managers will have to work with for the duration of the candidate’s stay. They are responsible for makingRead MoreHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management835 Words   |  4 PagesHuman Resource Management â€Å"They humanize the brand and help workforce communities thrive† (Who). A human resource management position may be the job for you. Every business and enterprise has a human resource manager, including Starbucks, Disney and even Apple. This job includes planning and coordination, organization, consulting employees and to oversee the work and employees. All the schooling and stress that comes along with this occupation pays off in the end with an enjoyable job. HumanRead MoreHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management1398 Words   |  6 Pages Human Resource Management Overview Tanya Phillips Dr. Andrea Scott, PhD HSA 320, Strayer University October 31, 2016 Human Resources Management Overview Human resources (HR) is the different kinds of clinical and nonclinical responsibilities for public and individual health involvement. The benefits and performance the system can deliver depends upon the knowledge, skills and motivation of those responsible for providing health services. Human resource managers don’t directlyRead MoreHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management2534 Words   |  11 PagesIn most cases managers look at human resource management as an expense to a company rather than a source of benefit to the company however, research has proved that human resource management practices can be of greater value. Valuable decisions such as whom to recruit, what package to offer, the training necessary for the new recruits and how to assess employee performance directly affects the employee motivation and as such do affect the ability of the employee to provide products which the consumersRead MoreHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management95 8 Words   |  4 PagesHuman Resource Management Overview As we all know when it comes to every business and organization that is out there, they all need help from Human Resources to continue to help the company grow. What is human resource management? Well Human Resource Management is the overall process that deals with how Human Resources manages their employees as well as different issues that can come across within the organization. Human Resource Management are in charge of different tasks including recruiting asRead MoreHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management820 Words   |  4 PagesHuman Resources Management Proper Planning is one of the most important aspects of human resource management. Without proper execution of plans, the particular needs of an organization that are the responsibility of human resources will not be reached, and therefore, will fall short of what is necessary for meeting the goals of an organization (DeCenzo, Robbins Verhulst 2013).There are many facets a human resource manager must be familiar with in order to run an organization. The functions of humanRead MoreHuman Resource Management : Human Resources Management1264 Words   |  6 Pagesand research with my family, I decided to go into human resource management, specifically in a hospital. Many people questioned and often said â€Å"Why human resource management?† My answer, I chose human resource managers because I believe they are a vital part of a hospitals success. They make the plans, they direct the staff and they coordinate how people work together and where they need to be. Throughout this paper , I will describe human resource managers- what they do, what are the requirements

Thursday, December 12, 2019

My Leadership SMART Goal

Question: Discus about the effective leadership that is engaged in both personal leadership behaviors and professional leadership behaviors. Answer: Introduction: Effective leadership is an attribute that is engaged in both personal leadership behaviors and professional leadership behaviors. All nurses develop recognition of the need of the patient for liberal and right for privacy, and they assess the patient's level of readiness to get an understanding of their relationship. In this context, the "delivering patient-centered care" of IOM will be discussed in order to understand the development of professional leadership regarding "SMART-formatted goal (Kerry Mullan, 2014). SMART Goal Format: Specific Those registered nurses who are involved in the critical care departments, the patients and the family members of the patients. The goal of such a nurse should be to bring out the dying patient out of danger and offer a comfort level. The goal can apply immediately after the patient is admitted to the hospital. Measurable - The role of such a nurse is to follow up directly with the doctors and work in collaboration with the nursing team and the pharmaceutical department. This can be brought about by the significant education tools and act as an effective caregiver. Attainable - The goals can be attained by collaborating with the other nurses and especially with the doctors using various educational tools and assessing different types concerns related to the caregiver. Realistic Yes, the goal selected is realistic and also obtainable. Saving and providing comfort in the life of the critical patient is a challenging but a significant job in the life of such a nurse. Dedication, collaboration, and care could help to achieve success. Time bound The time required to develop the leadership in this field will require at least a year. In order to be competent in this field one year duration is must to be acquainted with the task of the critical care (Alexandrou Swaffield, 2014). Literature review: In one of the literature review reveals that Leadership and followership competencies are a serious capability for nurses. According to Huber (2013), Nursing turnover continues to impose major challenges at every level of health care. Another study states that Longitudinal research is required to generate new proof of the relations between nurse turnover and linked costs, and the affect on the health care team and patients. In one of the literature review, it was explained that "structural empowerment and social capital are valuable resources for staff nurses that promote work effectiveness and high-quality patient care. The review of a recent study provides an insight into the fact that "transformational nursing leadership brings about managerial change and provides vision, financial and human resources and time that authorize nurses to comprise evidence in practice (Hamric et al., 2013). Plan of action: "A change management or action plan should show all the planned change activities against the project milestones." The first step of the action plan is to identify the goal. In this case, the goal is providing patient-centered care. This involves making a list of all the tasks required in order to deliver each objective, and if, necessary, all the actions required for each task. The second plan of action will be to identify the resources and people involved in the plan of action. Such as the doctors, other nurses, pharmaceuticals all will act in collaboration by identifying the specific role of each other. Thirdly, the time must be taken into consideration. It is important to identify the key objective and time required in completing the patient recovery process. Fourthly, the process needs to be measured regularly. The action plan should be reviewed by the leadership quality and group performing together on a normal basis to make sure the patient is properly cared or recovering. It will also permit new risks to be recognized and handled. Lastly, risk problems need to be recognized. The action plans normally after identification involves administration of medication consulting the doctors, receiving pre-operative and home instructions and monitoring of the condition, recording of the fluctuations in results, watching for complications, discharging the patient, etc. (Symonds Tapps, 2016). Conclusion: On the basis of the patient-centered care, the nurse needs to work according to the plan of action based on the SMART-format goal. The conclusion that can be drawn based on this context is that the ongoing effort provided by the caregiver should be effective and in collaboration with other health care professionals will lead to the development of an atmosphere that could be conductive to the patient to foster their growth. References: Alexandrou, A., Swaffield, S. (Eds.). (2014).Teacher leadership and professional development. New York, NY: Routledge. Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., O'Grady, E. T. (2013).Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach. Elsevier Health Sciences. Huber, D. (2013).Leadership and nursing care management. Elsevier Health Sciences. Kerry, V. B., Mullan, F. (2014). Global Health Service Partnership: building health professional leadership.The Lancet,383(9929), 1688-1691. Symonds, M. L., Tapps, T. (2016). Goal-Prioritization for Teachers, Coaches, and Students: A Developmental Model.Strategies,29(3), 34-38.. Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2014).Leading and managing in nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

International Market Campaign for Global Marketing- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theInternational Market Campaign for Global Marketing. Answer: Introduction Global marketing is one of the subjects that have gotten a lot of concern from both the business scholars as well as researchers. Marketing managers serve crucial roles as far as international marketing is concerned as they have to do prior research on the market patterns and other variables. Marketing a product of a particular company to other countries in the international market must always be accompanied by research on variables that may affect the global marketing campaign of that product to the proposed country. As a result, therefore, marketing managers are charged with the duty to ensure that such information is collected and availed to the company so that informed decisions can be made. The purpose of this study is to give a report concerning the marketing of Australian Ugg Boots in China as the hired marketing manager of the company by its CEO. This report will discuss the variables that may affect the international marketing of the Australian Ugg Boots. These variables are economic, political, social, financial and technological. The report will give a brief overview and background of the product as well as the selected country and then discuss how these variables may affect the sale of this product in that given country. Background information on the product Ugg boots are both sex boots originating from Australia that is made up of sheepskins by the Australian Ugg Boots Pty Company. Initially, the retailers of these boots sourced them from different manufacturers and sold them to customers directly. However, after some time the suppliers began reducing selections as well as selling the products abroad something that negatively affected the sellers(Kumar, 2017). The move left the sellers with no choice other than accepting any quality because there was no variety to choose. However, these sellers felt that it was time to reclaim their quality and innovation in their industry and therefore decided to own theirs without looking back or quitting the business. This company selects components that are of the highest quality including quality threads, natural sheepskins as well as hard wearing soles. Background of China The peoples republic of China famously known as just China is located in East Asia and it covers 960, 0000 square kilometers. Its capital city is Beijing, and the largest city is Shanghai. It is the most populous country in the world with a population of 1.404 billion people(Joshi, 2016). China is associated with the origin of many elements related to the modern world such as the compass, gunpowder, credit banking, paper, and money. Currently, China is undergoing the second industrial revolution after the abandonment of the rigid communist rule. It now has the worlds fastest growing economy and has set a space exploration programme with the intentions of setting up a station in space by the year 2020. Factors that may affect the international marketing campaign of the product As mentioned earlier in this report, taking a product into the international market is usually challenging and affected by some variables. These variables that may affect the international marketing campaign of Australian Ugg Boots in China are discussed below: Economic and financial variables Economic factors affect the launch of any product to a new country in some ways. The ability of the citizens of China to buy the Australian Ugg Boots will depend on the economic status of China. Currently, the per capita income of a whole household in China is estimated to be 711.35 USD(Al-Dmour, 2015). This fact means that the financial stability of many of its citizens is low. Again, most of the people living in the rural areas are not economically stable. As a result, this fact might adversely affect the international marketing campaign of these boots in China. Therefore, people may opt to spend the littlies amount of income they get on basic needs. The class or social status of most of the population will also affect the sale of this product. However, since these boots are considered as footwear for any social class, this aspect would not have much impact on the success of the international marketing campaign. Another economic factor is payment method(Ahmed, 2014). Considering China, debit and credit cards, travelers' cheques, as well as other online payment options, are some of the payment methods used. This fact implies that the sale of this product will not be barred by lack of appropriate payment methods Political factors Political factors significantly affect international marketing. Some countries have strict trading policies and bureaucracies towards foreign investment, something that scares away foreign investors. China is one of the nations that values international trade(Jahanmir, 2017). On the same note, it has a free trade agreement with Australia and something that will positively affect the sale of this product in China(Awan, 2014). In cases where a government restricts free trade or has unfavorable trade policies like Thailand, it becomes difficult for foreign companies to sell their products there. In most cases, some countries come up with strict trading policies with the intention of protecting the domestic companies from unfair competition as well as guarding the countrys balance of payment. However, this has not been the case in China(Galan Ladero, 2015). Research shows that Chinas economy is rapidly growing even without trade restrictions. Absence trade restrictions will positively impact the idea of the sale of the Australian Ugg Boots in the country. Socio-cultural variables The social behavior and culture of a country affect international trade so much. Research has to be done to reveal whether the consumption of the product intended for sale in that country conforms to the culture and the patterns of life of the country in question(Dunning, 2016). Marketing managers who do not do prior research on the culture and social norms of the country targeted may fail the company when supplies start flowing into a country without purchases. The language problem is one of the critical factors affecting international trade. Depending on the dialect of different countries, different words mean different things(Vahlne, 2017). For instance, the first time coca cola was introduced into China it was translated as female horse stuffed with wax. This wrong interpretation will always bring a negative impact to the sale of the products in that given country(Elias, 2014). It has to be appreciated that the widely spoken language in China is Chinese and therefore any adverts concerning the products will do better if they are translated into that language so that all the people can completely understand the product. Country's taste and preference also dramatically affect international trade. For instance, some countries like India have a negative perception of the consumption of meat. However the people of China do not have superstitions or negative cultures concerning wearing of boots, two things should be considered. Firstly, most people in China love either open shoes or closed shoes that do not cover most of their leg(Ainin, 2015). That means that these specifications have to be met. Secondly, the people in China have considerably small feet as compared to people from other parts of the world. Therefore, the boots must be designed in a way that they suit the China market. Consumer habits also affect international trade. A marketing manager has to research whether decision making in the country is individual or peer-influence. That will dictate to whom the product will be directed. It will also suggest the importance of the use of opinion leaders to successfully introduce the product(Tadasse, 2015). Luckily, in China decision making is individual and thus people can make a personal decision on whether to buy the product or not based on their judgements. Technological factors Technological factors have a significant influence on international marketing. Advancement in modern technology and virtual connectivity has enabled companies to develop robust supply chains that have eased the distribution of products globally(Yule, 2016). New technologies have increased productivity and lowered the cost of production so that more products are produced at a reduced cost. It has also led to time-saving in manufacturing where the items generated per unit time increase. China is one of the countries that are experiencing industrial growth and advancement in modern technologies in production and distribution as well as supply chains and logistics. Having this information, Australian Ugg Pty has a reason to smile because of the assurance that the recent advancement in technology will positively affect the international marketing campaign of their product in China. Conclusion Many factors affect the international marketing campaign of a product to a new country. Wise is the marketing manager who conducts prior research to know how some of these factors may affect the whole process of launching the product. While a product may be having a significant public command in the host country, it should be appreciated that different countries have different cultures, tastes, preferences, and policies that differ to those of any other country. This fact justifies the importance of market analysis before joining the global market. References Ahmed, S. (2014). International financial spillovers to emerging market economies: How vital are economic fundamentals? Journal of International Money and Finance, 3 (8), 62-87. Ainin, S. (2015). Factors influencing the use of social media by SMEs and its performance outcomes. Industrial Management Data Systems , 5 (9), 43-45. Al-Dmour, H. (2015). Factors affecting the effectiveness of cause-related marketing campaign: moderating effect of sponsor-cause congruence. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4 (6), 43-65. Awan, H. (2014). Factors affecting Halal purchase intentionevidence from Pakistans Halal food sector. Management Research Review, 3 (7), 65-78. Dunning, J. (2016). Reappraising the eclectic paradigm in an age of alliance capitalism. In The Eclectic Paradigm, 8 (6), 54-87. Elias, A. (2014). Farmers satisfaction with agricultural extension service and its influencing factors: A case study in North West Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 4 (9), 77-90. Galan Ladero, M. (2015). Understanding factors influencing consumer attitudes toward cause?related marketing. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 37 (6), 46-98. Jahanmir, S. (2017). Factors affecting late adoption of digital innovations. Journal of Business Research, 2 (9), 32-54. Joshi, Y. (2016). Factors affecting green purchase behavior and future research directions. International Strategic Management Review, 3 (7), 56-76. Kumar, P. (2017). Factors affecting consumers green product purchase decisions. Marketing Intelligence Planning, 4 (8), 54-65. Tadasse, G. (2015). Drivers and triggers of international food price spikes and volatility. In Food Price Volatility and Its Implications for Food Security and Policy. Springer, 45 (5), 44-56. Vahlne, J. (2017). The internationalization process of the firma model of knowledge development and increasing foreign market commitments. In International Business, 5 (3), 54-76. Yule, E. (2016). A study of dynamic peak force and center of pressure (cop) displacement, in subjects with first metatarsal pain. In 7th Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics, International Research Society of Biomechanics, Cleveland, USA, 3 (6), 45-67.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Gift free essay sample

Twenty-two days before my first day of freshman year in high school, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. On that day in 2008, the old me died. And so began a long and difficult birth of 2 ? years, which would test my resolve and push me far beyond what anyone believed I could do. When I emerged on November 11, 2010, cancer free and reborn to a new life, I saw the world through an infant’s eyes. I saw truths that I didn’t have the insight to see before, truths so simple they are easily overlooked in this world where much is taken for granted. The most evident of these truths, the one that has brought me to the place I am now, which I believe with my whole being, is that everything, from the incredibly good to the heart-wrenchingly horrible, happens for a reason. During my 2 ? year dance with cancer, my indomitable will to continue my life took over, and I discovered a strength I never knew I had. We will write a custom essay sample on The Gift or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I continued to go school when I really should have been in the hospital. On days when I could barely walk I went to the barn where I would climb onto the back of my horse and sit for hours at a time as he wandered the property. Before hospital visits, I would put on a wig, makeup, and a smile so I could walk into the chemo room ready to be wheeled out and go on like nothing had happened. Without consciously choosing to, I refused to let my cancer define me, and in doing so I found that I could define myself. It wasn’t until after my rebirth that I finally asked myself the most simple of questions; Why? For several months I was stuck in a very dark place. I found no meaning in my experience, no rhyme or reason for the pain and suffering I had been through. Then someone said something to me that will forever be burned in my mind as my saving grace; â€Å"Thank God everything in our lives happened the way it did, because if it hadn’t, who knows if I would be here talking to you right now.† In the moments following that sentence it was as if the darkness had lifted and I found light. People often say they’re sorry when they hear I had cancer. I always counter with the same response; I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything in the world. I treasure my encounter and believe it to be a gift. It didn’t give me anything I did not have before; rather it brought out qualities in me that might have lay hidden otherwise and made me prove to myself that I can conquer anything. It gave me insight that many people do not have, and a sense of gratefulness for every single thing in life, because I know that one day I will look back and thank God it all happened.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Goss vs. Lopez †Law Essay

Goss vs. Lopez – Law Essay Free Online Research Papers Goss vs. Lopez Law Essay Removing students from school without a hearing is always a last resort. Although this may be the case now, just a few years back it was not. On October 16, 1974, the Supreme Court argued a case that would change the methods of suspension and expulsion forever. â€Å"In 1971 widespread student unrest took place in the Columbus, Ohio public schools. Students who either participated in, or were present at, demonstrations held on school grounds were suspended. Many suspensions were for a period of 10 days. Students were not given a hearing before suspension, although later some students and their parents were given informal conferences with the school principal. Ohio law provides free education to all children between the ages of 6 and 21. A number of students, through their parents, sued the board of education, claiming that their right to due process had been violated when they were suspended without a hearing.† On October 16, 1974, the case of Goss v. Lopez began its proceedings. The case was an appeal from the United States District Court of the Southern District of Ohio. In this case, nine students from two high schools and one junior high school were suspended from their schools for misconduct. The administrative personnel from th ese schools did not hold hearings with the students or their parents prior to taking action. This violates the students’ right to the fourteenth amendment by denying them due process. In addition, the Ohio laws at this time did not require them to hold hearings before suspending or expelling public schools students. The Ohio public schools students argued that by Ohio school â€Å"having chosen to extend the right to an education to people of the appellees’ class generally, Ohio may not withdraw that right on the grounds of misconduct.† Moreover, with this being said the students wanted the school officials to realize not only were they punishing them in their high school careers but more so punishing the students in their later educational plans and employment opportunities. The main arguing point of the case was did the suspensions without a hearing violate the students’ fourteenth amendment right to due process? â€Å"The Court recognized the complexity of schools and the difficult task of school administrators but held that, although there may well be flexibility in what constitutes a hearing, The fundamental requisite of due process of law is the opportunity to be heard. The total exclusion from the educational process for more than a trivial period, and certainly if t he suspension is for 10 days, is a serious event in the life of the suspended child. The Court also iterated that the due process clause does not shield the child from properly imposed suspension and that the timing and nature of the hearing may well be determined by the specific circumstances of each case to assure the safety and rights of all. The Court suggested that punitive measures beyond a 10-day period may well call for more formal hearings, but nonetheless, a suspension for up to 10 days must include the rudiments of procedural due process.† ( Permuth 32-33) The court found that with a five to four decision that the students’ rights had been violated. Mr. Justice White delivered the opinion of the court stating that the students’ rights of due process given in the fourteenth amendment had been violated. The administrators and school officials were instructed to remove all referencing of these temporary suspensions from the students records. Along with the students’ record clearing the precedent for future cases was set in place. The precedent states that the principal may suspend a student for misconduct for up to ten days or expel. Whether he does either one, he must notify the pupil’s parents within twenty- four hours and provide the reasoning for his decision to suspend of expel the student. Research Papers on Goss vs. Lopez - Law EssayStandardized TestingPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyHip-Hop is ArtPETSTEL analysis of IndiaQuebec and CanadaCapital PunishmentEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraUnreasonable Searches and Seizures

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflect on places and spaces that you are familiar with, whether in Essay

Reflect on places and spaces that you are familiar with, whether in your past or in the present - Essay Example But rarely do people in general put into context what Friedman and Douglas (1998) cite as space and rights dealt in the contemporary discussion of citizenship, which is vital in the urban formation; urban in a way that it is composed of people, space, and the built environment. They identified these rights as to voice, to differ and to humanly flourish as part of a worldwide social movement and a rising civil society. This essay shall try to point out parts of our built environment that has become a part of me as an individual and at the same time had impact on me. There are several night clubs in my area. Almost all of them look alike and are built alike, inside-out. There are of course slight variations, such as one was set on the second and third floor of a five storey building, while another is a single building with three storeys, and some as occupants in the ground floor of a building with several storeys. Most of these have only the front door, an exhaust outlet, and fire exit as openings on the outside world. But the single building/nightclub has its lobby or lounge area which is open outside, so that the lobby, set on the second floor, seems inviting enough for anyone who would be interested. Aside from the physical differences and similari